By default, the following tag shows up in every WordPress install.
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.7.5" />
It shows the version of WordPress you are running. This can be bad for two reasons.
- You don’t want to give away to hackers which version of WordPress you are on. Many bigger WordPress sites take months sometimes to test new plugins and updates. If they fall behind and are running an insecure version, this could be a welcome invitation.
- Every single line of code, no matter how small it is, adds to your overall page weight. Are we being a little over obsessive? Probably, but there is no reason why this code should be there.

Hide WordPress version number
Follow the steps below to hide the WordPress version number on your site.
Step 1
Click into the Perfmatters plugin settings.

Step 2
Make sure you’re on the “General” submenu.

Step 3
Toggle on “Hide WP Version.”

Step 4
Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”